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  3. Recurso de dados: EOD – eBird Observation Dataset

    eBird is a collective enterprise that takes a novel approach to citizen science by developing cooperative partnerships among experts in a wide range of fields: population ecologists, conservation biologists, quantitative ecologists, statisticians, computer scientists, GIS and informatics specialists, application developers, and data administrators...

  4. Recurso de dados: Ephemeroptera Collection - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia

    Ephemeroptera Collection - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA)

  5. Recurso de dados: FIOCRUZ | Ecological study of phlebotomine sand flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) collected in the region of the São Manoel hydroelectric power plant

    A sand fly survey was carried out as part of the environmental risk assessment in the region surrounding the construction of a hydroelectric power plant on the Teles Pires River, which demarks the boundary of the Brazilian states of Mato Grosso and Pará. In order to evaluate the diversity and similarity of the sand fly communities in sylvatic forest and domestic environments, sand flies were collected every 3 months for two years (December 2015 to July 2017)...

  6. Recurso de dados: FIOCRUZ | Levantamento de flebotomíneos da Terra Indígena Suruwaha, Sul do Amazonas, Brasil

    Occurrence data from the Suruwaha Indigenous Land (southern Amazonas state), collected between 2012-1013. Transmission of ACL in the south of the Amazon river system are poorly understood (Arias & Freitas 1978; Justiniano et al. 2004). Although it has often been stated that human Leishmania infection is either rare or absent south of the Negro and Amazon rivers (Arias & Freitas 1978; Lainson et al...

  7. Recurso de dados: FIOCRUZ | Levantamento de flebotomíneos da Terra Indígena Wajãpi, Amazônia Oriental, Brasil

    To contribute to the knowledge of the epidemiology of American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) among indigenous people, we studied the sand fly fauna collected in areas of transmission of the disease in the Brazilian Amazon. Our dataset is comprised of occurrence data from the Wajapi Indigenous Land (Amapa state), collected between 2013-2014...

  8. Recurso de dados: FIOCRUZ | Molecular and morphometric study of Brazilian populations of Psychodopygus davisi

    Data from for COI sequences for 57 specimens of P. davisi and three specimens of Psychodopygus claustrei. We merged our data with public sequences of the same species available from GenBank. Then, the combined dataset – 87 sequences and 20 localities.

  9. Recurso de dados: Flora e Funga do Brasil

    O Flora e Funga do Brasil é um projeto coordenado pelo Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, uma autarquia pública federal vinculada ao Ministério do Meio Ambiente. Idealizado em 2008, o projeto denominado “Lista de Espécies da Flora do Brasil” nasceu da necessidade do Brasil atender a Meta 1 da Estratégia Global para Conservação de Plantas ou GSPC (sigla em inglês), no âmbito da Convenção da Diversidade Biológica (CDB)...

  10. Recurso de dados: Fonoteca Neotropical Jacques Vielliard

    A Fonoteca Neotropical Jacques Vielliard (FNJV), associada ao Museu de Zoologia "Adão José Cardoso" da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), fundada em 1978, é uma das cinco maiores Fonotecas do mundo e a maior da América Latina. Conta com arquivos sons de todos os grupos de vertebrados e alguns grupos de invertebrados (como insetos e aracnídeos)...